17/11 Lesson 13
From ILE text book:
Check homework
Discuss language from reading 2-4
Language focus pp. 118-119 ex. 1-5
Vocabulary revision
To hear a case (an appeal, an argument, a complaint, a claim, a witness)
To waive rights (a rule, a benefit, immunity, fees, a notice period)
To plead a case (ignorance, insanity, guilty or not guilty)
To apply a law (a rule, a precedent, a procedure, a method)
To appeal a case (an award, a decision, a ruling, a conviction, an acquittal, a penalty)
To challenge a case (an award, a decision, an allegation, the legitimacy of sth)
pp. 120-121 Introduction to sale of goods legislation ex. 2, 3
Language notes to reading 1
Movable property or tangible chattels = anything with a physical appearance
Chattel = n C spesso al pl (= belonging, form o obsol) goods which can be moved, (in contrast to
real property) bene mobile;
chattel mortgage = ipoteca mobiliare;
chattel mortgage bonds = obbligazioni garantite da ipoteca mobiliare;
chattels personal = beni mobili, beni personali;
chattels real = beni immobili
Reclaim the goods = recuperare i beni/chiedere la restituzione dei beni
Secure payment = garantire il pagamento
Set forth = esprimere, esporre
Disclaimers of warranties = clausola di esclusione della responsabilità
Warranty = C/U garanzia;
warranty deed atto di garanzia;
warranty of fitness garanzia di idoneità;
to be under warranty essere in garanzia, essere coperto da garanzia;
our warranty does not cover labour costs la nostra garanzia non include i costi di manodopera;
Warranty = U (form) giustificazione, autorità, diritto;
Warranty = C/U promessa (contenuta in un contratto); U [+for] fondamento, base, giustificazione.
If something
fosters (promuove) the development of international trade, it supports and promotes it.
purchase means the same as “to buy!, but tends to be used in business contexts. In business,
purchasing is the process of finding suppliers, placing orders and arranging delivery.
Procurement (approvvigionamento) typically refers to obtaining supplies for an army or an organisation. Often it is not necessary to pay for goods at the time of buying: many shops offer “buy now, pay later” deals.
If a business
deals in a particular item, it regularly buys and sells that item, without actually producing anything. For example, a shop might
deal in antiques.
Offering something
for sale refers to a specific item, and naturally takes place before selling.
To vend has several meanings : it could refer to selling ( e.g. soft drinks) in a vending machine, or by a
street vendor ( e.g. selling hamburgers from a cart): But in legal contexts, it can simply mean selling, typically involving a
vendor selling a house or piece of land.
To peddle means to sell small items by travelling from place to place (propagare/mettere in giro), or to sell illegal drugs (spacciare).
consumer is the final user of a product, who may not be the same person as the buyer.
purchaser is typically buying for his / her company. The traditional distinction between a
customer, who buys goods, and a
client, who buys a service, is often blurred.
buyer is the most neutral of these terms, but generally avoided in preference for one of the more specific terms.
merchant is a person or company that buys or sells in large quantities. In legal and financial English,
a merchant buys goods at wholesale prices and sells them at retail prices. The everyday term for this is a
retailer (commerciante), which typically refers to a shop or other outlet selling goods to members of the public.
wholesaler (grossista) does not sell to the public, but to other businesses .
supplier is usually a company that sells goods or services to another company on a regular basis. A
vendor can be either a seller of a property ( in legal English ) or a person who sells small items on the street.
trader buys and sells goods, without necessarily producing anything.
commodity (prodotto o merce d'uso comune come energia, riso, pasta) is an article of trade or commerce . It is typically an agricultural product or mining product, traded in commodities markets.
Merchandise and wares = merce, mercanzia
Note that wares and goods are always plural in British English, merchandise is uncountable and chattel is countable.