domenica 9 ottobre 2011

Lesson3_10th October

Check vocabulary :

Introduction to Contract Law: Key language

consideration (rimando a un articolo sul contratto nella common law per comprendere meglio il concetto della "consideration")
conunter offer
essential terms
assignor vs assignee
specific performance
breaching party
injured party
Collocations- An offer
Accept, make, reject, withdraw, increase, submit, receive, consider
- A contract
Breach/form/negotiate/perform/draw up/draft/sign a contract
- DamagesAccept/award/claim/win/receive/seek/pay damages
- A lawsuit
File/bring (fare causa)/launch (avviare)/persue/win/lose

What actions do they carry out
A party
Breaches a contract/performs a contract
The parties
Negotiate an offer/negotiate a contract/form a contract
The court
Enforces a contract/awards damages
A lawyer
Files a lawsuit/negotiates an offer/negotiates a contract/accepts an offer

Focus on: enforce/enforceable (esecutivo)
To enforce: verbo transitivo
1. (impose) imporre [rule, silence, discipline];
fare rispettare, applicare [law, court order];
fare valere [legal rights];
esigere [payment];
fare rispettare [contract]
Enforceable (esempio)
2. For that reason, the parties consent that such covenants shall be enforceable in a court of equity by temporary or permanent injunction, restraining order or a decree of specific performance. The remedies provided above shall be cumulative and not exclusive and are in addition to any other remedies, which either party may have under this Agreement or applicable law.

Per tale motivo, le parti acconsentono/convengono che tali clausole debbano essere fatte valere in una corte di equità con ingiunzione (esecutiva) permanente o temporanea, ordine restrittivo o atto specifico. Le azioni (giudiziarie) elencate sopra devono essere cumulative e non esclusive e si intendono in aggiunta alle azioni che una delle due parti può esperire in base al presente accordo(ovvero) applicabili per legge.

• Reading 2 p. 20 ex 9-10
Listening 2 p. 21 ex 19-20
• Reading 3 p. 22 ex 22-24
• Modal verbs

- visita il sito oppure
1. scegli un tipo di contratto - definisci in inglese o italiano quando si crea quel tipo di contratto
2. individua 10 parole o espressioni chiavi tipiche di quel tipo di contratto

Pubblica il lavoro come commento - e includi il link al contratto scelto

6 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

The prenuptial agreement is a contract between bride and groom to define the possession of the property,the support in the event of divorce,the division of inheritance,the protection of children and so on. This contract is concluded between the parties before marriage.

Husband, Wife, Property,Debts,Spousal Support,Marriage,Separation,
Joint Custody,Civil Union,Divorce.

Dott.ssa Maria Lombardi ha detto...

that's good Valentina, it will help though .. if you also add a link to that kind of contract

Fabrizio Cesareo ha detto...

A joint venture agreement provides a contract for two or more individuals or entities to form a business relationship suitable for a single project or purpose.
There are TWO FORMS of joint venture:
In our case we will discuss a contractual joint venture that is tax transparent where there is no pooling of profits or losses and no formal registration requirements. Further, there may be limited liability provided the joint venture is not deemed a partnership. Where the relationship amounts to a partnership, two or more persons carrying on a business in common with a view to profit, then general partnership rules would apply to each member.
Ten typical key words or expressions of this type of contract:
AGREEMENT (contratto), ENTITIES ("persone giuridiche"), BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP (rapporto commerciale), PURPOSE (scopo), TAX TRANSPARENT (fiscalmente trasparente), PROFITS (profitti), LIMITED LIABILITY (responsabilità limitata), BUSINESS IN COMMON (attività commerciale in comune), VIEW TO PROFIT (scopo di lucro), GENERAL PARTNERSHIP (società in nome collettivo).
Verb+preposition in the text:
CARRYING ON (mandare o portare avanti).


A partnership agreement is a contract between partners in a partnership which sets out the terms and conditions of the relationship between the partners, including:

•Percentages of ownership and distribution of profits and losses

•Description of management powers and duties of each partner

•Term (length) of the partnership

•How the partnership can be terminated

•How a partner can buy his/her share of the partnership.
A partnership agreement should be prepared by an attorney so as to include all important "what if" questions and avoid problems when the partnership ends.

partners, conditions, ownership, profits, losses, management powers, qustions, problems, term of the partnership, duties.

rosaria ha detto...

L'assicurazione sulla vita è un contratto legale tra una compagnia di assicurazione e l'assicurato.Il contraente a fronte del pagamento di una somma di denaro(premio)ottiene alla sua morte un beneficio attribuito ad un terzo:il beneficiario,il quale è designato dall'assicurato ed indicato nella poliza.La designazione del beneficiario può essere fatta anche con il testamento e revocata nello stesso modo.
Insurer- Insurance company- Insurance policy- Partecipant's successors- Beneficiary- Benefit- Premium- Transferees- Event of death- Executors.

TheChief ha detto...

relationships, agree, founding sponsor, partecipation, parties, partners, memberships, collaboration, partnership, liaisons, companies, joint venture
