domenica 6 novembre 2011

Lesson_ 7th November

Reading 4 pp. 67-68 ex 21-24: Commercial agency contract - ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
From legal English to plain English

Sample agency contract

• Language focus pag 71

HomeworkWords and key language from the unit (possibilmente solo espressioni e parole che risultano difficile comprendere per un italiano. Ex. Tradurre “agent” non ha senso a meno che non facciamo un intervento concettuale nelle diverse jurisdictions.

• Listening 2: Meeting with corporate counsel pag 70 ex 29-30
• Extra activity – collocations
  • Transnational commercial law - quiz
  • Commercial agency quiz
  • New unit: Real Property Law_reading 1 pp. 72-73

3 commenti:

Giovanni Fumarola ha detto...

Official web site "The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade" (I.C.E., Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero)

Giovanni Fumarola ha detto...

National Institute for Foreign Trade (I.C.E.)

The National Institute for Foreign Trade - ICE is a state or local authority to place
many features of the relationships between Italy and abroad, while protecting the weaker companies
market (small and medium). Also favored the flow of productive investment (FDI) inflows and outflows. In
performance of their duties, worked closely with the Regions, the Chambers of Commerce and
Business organizations.

Historical notes

Is established in 1926 by Royal Decree No. 800 with the name of the INE (National Institute for Export) with
The main task of "promoting the development of exports of products of the soil and Italian industry."
In 1935 the Institute acquired expertise in the field of changing the imports
name to "National Institute for Trade with Foreign Countries." Later in 1945 assumed the current
name (ICE - Institute for Foreign Trade).


The ICE, in collaboration with relevant ministries, processes and oversees the implementation of the Programme of activities
promotional. Following the closure of the institute by Decree-Law No 98, July 6, 2011 were canceled
many promotional activities planned for 2011


The Institute was established in Rome, but its facilities include 16 offices in Italy and one other 115 located in 86 countries
around the world. The distribution business units strategically placed in remote areas, but of interest to
Italian companies. Their activities were aimed at providing support services / consulting, developing actions
promotional support for individual companies and in favor of the "Italy System", providing information on the country
abroad, its business opportunities, international competition and investment to and from Italy. The ICE supported
the internationalization of Italian companies also through training: organizes different master and postgraduate
degree in foreign trade, including the Cor.c.e. Fausto De Franceschi, established since 1963.
The ICE was regulated by Law 68 of March 25, 1997, which came into force on 11 April 1997. This law has been
desired changes to bring its expertise in international trade.


By Decree-Law No 98, July 6, 2011, the National Institute for Foreign Trade has been deleted. Its
functions are transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their
skills. After closing, there were negative reactions from the thousands of Italian firms
had used the services of ICE and by business associations, which had long
collaborated with the Institute

Fabrizio Cesareo ha detto...

BODY OF LAWS (corpo di leggi);
TRADE (scambio);
CARRIAGE OF GOODS (scambio merci);
SALE OF GOODS AND SERVICES (merce e servizi in saldo);
LANDLORD AND TENANT (locatore e locatario);
MORTGAGE (ipoteca);
TO DRAFT A CONTRACT (abbozzare un contratto);
BREACH OF CONTRACT (inadempimento contrattuale);
TO OWE (dovere);
COURT-APPOINTED (corte assegnata);
TO CLAIM (vantare o chiedere o reclamare o rivendicare o avanzare);
OWNER (proprietario);
LENDER (creditore);
LOANER (colui che presta);
BORROWER (comodatario o mutuatario o beneficiario di un prestito);
PATENT DRAFT (bozza di un brevetto);
PURCHASE OF GOODS (rilievo o acquisto di beni);
OVERWHELMING (schiacciante);
COMMISSION (percentuale);
GOODWILL (avviamento commerciale);
PROVISION (clausola);
PREVAILING (prevalente);
TO ALLOW (accogliere un'istanza o concedere).