martedì 15 novembre 2011

Lesson_ 16th November

Revision reading 3-5 pp 88-90

Collocations from the letter pag 90
  • strictly private and confidential
  • fully entitled
  • shortly forthcoming
  • strenuously denies
  • recently informed
  • confidential information
  • previous criticism
  • a positive asset
  • a substantial increase
  • constructive dismissal (licenziamento senza giusta causa)
  • excellent prospects
  • exemplary damages
  • alternative means
  • satisfactory proposals
Listening 2 Lawyer-client interview pp 91-92 ex 29-32
Students act out the interview

Language Focus page 93 ex 1-5


Unit 9 - Reading 1: International Law pp 94-96 ex 2-5

  1. Parties to a treaty
  2. ....the treaty is in force
  3. ....a signatory to a convention
  4. Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child
  5. ...are entitled to special protection
  6. International laws apply to the citizens
  7. ...regulations are binding on Partner States

Intergovernmental organizations

No significant differences:

United Nations


Listening 1 pp 98-99 ex 12-14

Listening 2 pp 102-103 ex 25-28

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Individuare dai testi (audio transcript) parole ed espressioni chiavi.

- landmark case = una decisione giuridica che assume un rilievo importante tanto da diventare 'pietra miliare' nella casistica giudiziaria

- to have a considerable impact on =

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