venerdì 19 ottobre 2007

Homework Lesson 5

1. Look up on internet for Italian companies, choose one of them and describe it (in English) giving information about liability, capital contributions and management. Include which documents are needed to complete the formation process. Prepare a table similar to that shown on p.23 in the ILE text book. (includi un “small glossary” e la fonte del tuo lavoro)

e.g. società in nome collettivo

  • liability:
  • capital contributions:
  • management:
  • documents required for the formation:

    2. From grammar book: pp. 292-295 use of passive

3 commenti:

Dott.ssa Maria Lombardi ha detto...



vanessa ha detto...

“SOCIETA' PER AZIONI” ( S.p.a. ) ( a type of “società di capitali”)

LIABILITY OF OWNERS : the S.p.A. are characterized also by perfect investment autonomy , that the maximum degree of autonomy capital. The assets of the company is completely separate from that of shareholders, therefore, are not answerable for the social bonds. The liability of members is limited to single stake.

CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS : it is a “società di capitali” , where shares of members are expressed in actions. The share capital is divided into a given number of securities, each of which incorporates a certain amount of participation and social rights inherent in the same proportion.

MANAGEMENT : There are three different models of administration and control of Spa available to members (traditional, two-tier and tier). The device is that of the traditional model(and the model more used at the moment). The discipline of the other models is constituted in part by specific rules, in part by specific references to the traditional model, and finally was closed by some general clauses.

Liability : responsabilità legale
Owners : proprietari
Perfect investment autonomy : autonomia patrimoniale perfetta
Assets : patrimonio
Shares : partecipazioni(economiche)
Securities : titoli
Management : gestione

vanessa ha detto...

The conditions for the establishment of a valid Spa are essentially four:
• A voluntary agreement between two or more persons or a unilateral act (in the case of the so-called single-Spa, ie with a single partner).
• The drafting a constitution and a statute to file public to substantiam, containing important information about the company (headquarters and secondary objects, amount of capital, etc.) and the rules of common shareholders lay down.
• The entire subscription of a capital whose value should not be less than 120,000 euros.
• The filing of incorporation in the register of companies and the consequent entry of the company in that register only as a result of this operation, the company will acquire legal personality.