venerdì 12 ottobre 2007

Homework Lesson 3

1. Cerca un esempio di questi documenti usati in tribunale:
- affidavit, answer, brief, complaint, injunction, motion, notice, pleading, writ)
- trascrivi la fonte + la definizione in English
- crea un mini-glossario (min. 10 parole)
2. Definisci in English “persons in court”(v. ILE p. 11) e aggiungi la traduzione in italiano
Esempio: Judge = (giudice) public official who has the authority to hear and decide cases

From Grammar text: Modal verbs 128-151

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Injunction (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary): An official order given by a court of law, usually to stop someone from doing something).


Official order: ordine formale
order: ordine
law: diritto
to stop someone from doing something: obbligare qualcuno a non fare qualcosa

Dott.ssa Maria Lombardi ha detto...

I think we should try to look for examples of the above documents. They will give us a better understanding of what we mean by them.

I found an exampel of a contract affidavit


vanessa ha detto...

Notice : a document providing notification of a fact, claim or proceeding.

notice: preavviso
rent: affitto
quit: disdetta
legal proceedings: avvenimenti legali
lease: affitto
damages: risarcimenti

Expert witness= ( testimone esperto) person who has specialised knowledge of a particular subject who is called to testify in court.

immacolata ha detto...

motion: (wikipedia)A legal motion is a procedural device in law to bring a limited, contested matter before a court for decision. A motion may be thought of as a request to the judge (or judges) to make a decision about the case.[1] Motions may be made at any point in administrative, criminal or civil proceedings, although that right is regulated by court rules which vary from place to place. The party requesting the motion is called the movant.

procedural device:dispositivo di procedura
wich vary from place to place:che variano da posto a posto