- Reinforcement of concept and vocabulary: how to become a solicitor/barrister in the UK
- Extra practice Vocabulary - reading 2 Unit one
Part two
- Check language focus
- Introduction to Contract Law
- p.19 ex. 5, 6, 7
- visita il sito http://www.onecle.com/ oppure http://www.lawdepot.com/
1. scegli un tipo di contratto - definisci in inglese o italiano quando si crea quel tipo di contratto
2. individua 10 parole o espressioni chiavi tipiche di quel tipo di contratto
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7 commenti:
A contract of employment is a category of contract used in labour law to attribute right and responsibilities between parties to a bargain. The focus of most employment contracts is wages for work. Essential terms might be notice periods in the event of dismissal, holiday pay rights, the place of work and pension schemes. Many jurisdictions require these factors to be set out in a written contract. In terms of pay, the employee may be compensated through wages, a salary, or by commission.
-EMPLOYER:datore di lavoro
-WAGE or SALARY:stipendio
-TASK:lavoro, incarico
-STATUTORY SICK PAY:indennità di malattia corrisposta dal datore di lavoro(max 28 settimane)
-TO DISMISS:licenziare
-BONUS SCHEME:pagamento in aggiunta allo stipendio per motivare i lavoratori a raggiungere determinati obiettivi accordati con il datore di lavoro
-PENSION SCHEME:fondo pensionistico
-DAYS PAID HOLIDAY:giorni di ferie pagate
Annalisa Campanelli, Laurea magistrale
Construction Contract
A construction contract is a legal document which specifies the what-when-where-how-how much and by whom in a construction project.
- Laws: leggi
- Adjustment: rettifica
- Electric and telecommunication lines: linee elettriche e di telecomunicazione
- Construction: costruzione
- Construction Site : Luogo di costruzione
- Contract Conditions : condizioni contrattuali
- Price: prezzo
- Breach of contract: rottura del contratto
- Insurance: assicurazione
- Suspension of the project: sospensione del progetto
Lomagistro Natalina, Laurea triennale
An agency agreement is a legal contract where one party to sell products on behalf of another in return for commission payments.
agreement: accordo
relationship: rapporto
to reliquish: rinunciare
engagement: obbligo
to disclaim: ritrattare
warranty: garanzia
customer: cliente
assignment: assegnazione
Sales Agreement is a contract where a seller promises to sell somethings that a purchaser promises to buy. A Sales Agreement can be used to sell goods, assets, equipment, services, etc.
A Bill of Sale is often used with a Sales Agreement to conclude the sale and transfer the title to the purchaser.
SALES AGREEMENT : contratto di vendita
BILL OF SALE : atto di vendita
LEGAL RAPRESENTATIVE : legale rappresentante
SELLER : venditore
PURCHARES, BUYER : compratore, acquirente
TO NOTIFY : notificare
EVENT FORCE MAJEURE : causa di forza maggiore
PACKING : imballaggio
FREIGHT : trasporto della merca
DELIVERY AGREED : accordo per la consegna
TO TRANSFER : cedere, trasferire
OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY: possesso di proprietà
un grazie e un "well done" a quanti hanno inviato e ancora invieranno [;-)] il lavoro sulla individuazione del contratto con relativo glossario!
Commenteremo insieme nella prossima lezione..
The separation agreement is a private contract that is ideal for couples who have separated and are not ready to file for divorce or legal separation.For couples that are living separate but have not decided to permanently separate in the form of legal separation or divorce,Separation Agreement formalizes the practical requirements of the family.The purpose of the Separation Agreement is to divide any property and debts that the parteners have incurred.Separation Agreement provides custody,visitation and support of any minor children of the relationship.Often couples can not afford to wait for a divorce to make it through the courts to divide their assets.Deciding who gets the car,and whether to sell the house,are often critical to the livelihoods of all involved.A Separation Agreement deals with these issues.
-REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAMILY:esigenze,bisogni della famiglia
-MARRIAGE INFORMATION:informazioni sul matrimonio
-TO DIVIDE:dividere
-MARITAL PROPERTY:proprietà maritale
-PERSONAL PROPERTY:proprietà personale
-ASSETS and DEBTS:patrimonio e debiti
-SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE:mantenimento del coniuge
-CHILD CUSTODY and SUPPORT:custodia e sostegno del figlio minore
Is an agreement that allows an asset holder to convert assets into cash. An agreement allows conversion of assets into cash allows a stockholder to convert investments in stock or debentures into cash. They usually appear as provisions in written contract between a company and its investor. Liquidity agreements are common in venture capital financing,particularly when the investor is uncertain whether the company will ever be able to offer its stock for sale in the public markets.
-INVESTMENT:investimento(di capitali)
-WRITTEN CONTRACT:contratto scritto
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