giovedì 15 ottobre 2009

Lesson 4

Part one
Contract law: verb-noun collocations p.p. 19-20

Reading 2 Remedies for breach of contract. Different types of remedies:
  • restitution
  • damages
  • specific performance
  • compensatory damages
  • consequential and incidental damages
  • liquidated damages
  • rescission
  • reformation

Homework: proviamo a definire queste opzioni di rimedi (in inglese) e indichiamo come si inseriscono nel nostro sistema legale (in italiano)

Risposte nei commenti:

Part two

  • Reading 3 Contract clause p. 22 ex 22, 23
  • + Listening (lettura dagli audio transcripts) p.23 ex 25, 26


  • Language use modal verbs p. 24 ex 28
  • Text analysis: Email of advice p. 25 ex 29, 30

Extra activity: modal verbs

stampare gli esercizi - correzione durante la lezione del 21.10

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

RESTITUTION : returning of goods or property received from the other party to rescind a contract. if the goods or property is not available, must be made a cash equivalent.

DAMAGES: is the money which the court orders the breaching party to pay to the non-breaching party in compensation.

SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE : Where a court orders the breaching party to perform the acts promised in the contract.

COMPENSATORY DAMAGES: the money wich the breaching party intended to compensate a non-breaching party for the loss.

LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: damages to wich
parties to a contract agree in advance if the contract is breached.

RESCISSION: an action to undo the contract if there has been a material breach of contract or fraud.

REFORMATION: court rewrites a contract to express the parties true intentions or that court used to correct errors.


Dott.ssa Maria Lombardi ha detto...

That's ok Carmen but perchè non proviamo a illustrare come si inseriscono gli stessi rimedi nella responsabilità contrattuale in Italia...