lunedì 3 novembre 2014


Introduction to New Unit: Company law
  • Reading 1 pp 50-51 ex 1-3
Partnership vs company
Limited partnership with shares= società in accomandita per azioni
Limited Partnership = società in accomandita semplice
General Partnerhip = Società in nome collettivo
Limited Share Company = Società per azioni
Limited Liability Company = Società a responsabilità limitata.

Public limited company vs state-owned company 

A  public limited company  is permitted to offer its shares to the general public. This could be also by way of the stock exchange although note that companies which are on a stock exchange are often referred to as either listed or quoted companies. 

A public company should also be distinguished from a private company which is not permitted to offer its shares to the general public, but both public and private companies operate in what is known as the private sector. 

A state-owned company is a company which is owned by the government for the benefit of the general public, but the difference there is that it operates in the public sector.

Setting up a company in the UK - how easy/difficult is it?

Company act 2006 è una completa codificazione della legge sulle società in Inghilterra e Galles 
  • Reading_3: Breach of Companies Act 2006 pp54-55 ex 12-15
  • Key terms_2: Public relations page 56 ex 20
  • Text analysis: Reading a statute page 57 ex 21-23
Self Study
Listening 1 + Listening 2 suggested only
Language Focus pag 59 ex 1-3

EXTRA: If you like to investigate more the area of company law
Review of Italian and UKCompany Law.  A joint study by. Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili.

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