From text book IILE "Reading 1-3 pp 8-13 + exercises
What to study - core (compulsory) subjects and optional subjects:
- criminal law, contract law, land law, equity and trusts, administrative law and constitutional law, family law, employment law and housing law,company law, commercial law, litigation and arbitration.
Where to work:
- Partnership
- Large law practice/firm
- Commercial practice
- Sole practitioner
- Law clinic
Legal writing, legal research, legal practice, legal assistance, legal community,
Law degree programme, law student, law practice, law clinic, law firm
Awkward words
Language from reading 1
- Adverb+adjective: intellectually stimulating
- Verb+preposition: to lead to something; to decide on something; to get involved with something
- Preposition+noun: in addition
- Verb+noun: to take a course/subject;to run a partnership; to offer a course; to offer assistance; to hire new recruits
- Verb+verb: to go on to become something
- Adjective+noun: future career; local community; day-to-day work; a good command (of English)
- Noun+noun: work experience
Language from Reading 2:
From contract law: formation, interpretation, performance and enforcement of contracts, offer and acceptance, consideration.
From Tort Law: liability for intentional and negligently caused injures to person and property; strict liability; vicarious liability; ultra-hazardous activities; products liability; nuisance; invasion of privacy; defamation; damages; losses.
From Ciminal Law: crime against persons, property and public administration; the law of homicide
From Evidence: relevancy, hearsay, impeachment, cross-examination.
From Criminal Procedure: regulation of law enforcement, investigation of crimes, search and seizure, electronic surveillance, entrapment,
From Constitutional Law: judicial function, distribution under the constitution, immunities under the constitution.
From legal research & writing: to acquaint students with …; analyze judicial opinions; legal citation; techniques of writing memoranda and briefs.
p. 12 ex 14
p. 14 ex 20, 21
p. 16 ex 24 Structuring a presentation
p. 17 ex Language Focus