domenica 24 febbraio 2013

Pryce_trial_Lesson 2

A lot can be learnt from from reading a news article!!


Il caso di Vicky Pryce e l'ex ministro Chris Hune  ci invitano a riflettere su diversi aspetti:

- la scrupolosità e l'elevato senso civico e morale di chi assume incarichi pubblici (le dimissioni di Hune dopo l'accusa di intralcio alla giustizia)

- la funzione della giuria nel sistema anglosassone

-  il caso raro della giuria che non è riuscita a raggiungere  un verdetto, a causa ''di fondamentali deficit di comprensione'' della vicenda. 

Gli studenti sono invitati a leggere questi articoli o ascoltare il news radio per estrapolare "some useful language" da pubblicare nei commenti.

From Guardian 

- " Vicky Pryce faces retrial after jury 'fails to grasp basics'

- "Vicky Pryce retrial decision triggers defence of jury system"

"Senior lawyers defend jury system after judge orders Vicky Pryce retrial"

 From Radio 4 programme "Firm Pryce judgement 'cannot be formed"


 Useful language

- Judge dismisses jury=

- faces a retrial=

- Jury failed to reach a verdict=   



2 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

As they say, lies have short legs. The truth can be hidden for a certain amount of time, but it always comes to the surface. It's always better to be honest from the outset in order to avoid getting into a situation even more uncomfortable.

I hope the Jury didn't fail to reach a verdict just because it was influenced by the movie ''Runaway Jury'' (by Gary Fleder) :)

Unknown ha detto...

As they say, lies have short legs. The truth can be hidden for a certain amount of time, but it always comes to the surface. It's always better to be honest from the outset in order to avoid getting into a situation even more uncomfortable.

I hope the Jury didn't fail to reach a verdict just because it was influenced by the movie ''Runaway Jury'' (by Gary Fleder) :)