giovedì 20 febbraio 2020

Lesson 2_2020

Revision Unit 1 A career in Law 

Legal Professionals - Who does what 

Language from reading 1
  • Adverb+adjective: intellectually stimulating
  • Verb+preposition: to lead to something; to decide on something; to get involved with something
  • Preposition+noun: in addition (to)
  • Verb+noun: to take a course/subject;to run a partnership; to offer a course; to offer assistance; to hire new recruits
  • Verb+verb: to go on to become something
  • Adjective+noun: future career; local community; day-to-day work; a good command (of English)
  • Noun+noun: work experience

Language from Reading 2:
From contract law: formation, interpretation, performance and enforcement of contracts, offer and acceptance, consideration.
From Tort Law: liability for intentional and negligently caused injures to person and property; strict liability; vicarious liability; ultra-hazardous activities; products liability; nuisance; invasion of privacy; defamation; damages; losses.
From Ciminal Law: crime against persons, property and public administration; the law of homicide
From Evidence: relevancy, hearsay, impeachment, cross-examination.
From Criminal Procedure: regulation of law enforcement, investigation of crimes, search and seizure, electronic surveillance, entrapment,
From Constitutional Law: judicial function, distribution under the constitution, immunities under the constitution.
From legal research & writing: to acquaint students with …; analyze judicial opinions; legal citation; techniques of writing memoranda and briefs.
What to study - core (compulsory) subjects and optional subjects:
  • criminal law, contract law, land law, equity and trusts, administrative law and constitutional law, family law, employment law and housing law,company law, commercial law, litigation and arbitration.
Where to work:
  • Partnership [general partnership (società in nome collettivo) limited partnership (società in accomandita)]
  • Large law practice/firm
  • Commercial practice
  • Sole practitioner
  • Law clinic
Legal writing, legal research, legal practice, legal assistance, legal community,
Law degree programme, law student, law practice, law clinic, law firm

Awkward words
- equity and trusts = affidamento fiduciario - Leggi "L'utilizzo del trust in Italia"
- Podcast - What is equity?  + Material accompanyng the podcast
- equity vs common law 

Vocabulary Revision

  • performance and enforcement of contracts
  • offer - acceptance - consideration
  • breach of contract
  • liability
  • strict liability (responsabilità oggettiva: it is the legal responsibility of a company for damage or injury caused by its products or services, even though it did not intend to cause the damage or injury: The Consumer Protection Act imposes strict liability for a defective product on the producer.
  • vicariuos liability ( responsabilità indiretta: refers to a situation where someone is held responsible for the actions or omissions of another person. In a workplace context, an employer can be liable for the acts or omissions of its employees, provided it can be shown that they took place in the course of their employment.)
  • nuisance
  • evidence
  • hearsay
  • law enforcement
  • under the constitution
  • damages vs  damage 

damage: means “loss or injury to a person or property”. It is an uncountable singular noun and has no plural form.
E.g.: The cost of the damage to the US caused by Hurricane Ike was estimated at USD 18 billion.
Other words you could use instead of damageloss, injury
Damages means “money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a person as compensation for loss or injury”. It is an uncountable plural noun and has no singular form.
E.g.: The Claimant wishes to sue Acme for damages as a result of a loss sustained by the Claimant after Acme’s failure to perform its obligations.
Other words you could use instead of damagescompensation, satisfaction
Pronunciation notes

ci·ta·tion [saɪˈteɪʃən]
lia·bil·ity [ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪtɪ]
neg·li·gent·ly [ˈnɛɡlɪdʒəntlɪ]
nui·sance [ˈnjuːsns]
prec·edent [ˈprɛsɪdənt]
pri·va·cy [ˈprɪvəsɪ  /ˈpraɪvəsi/]
sei·zure [ˈsiːʒəʳ]
statu·tory [ˈstætjʊtə]
sur·veil·lance [sɜːˈveɪləns] (under surveillance)
vi·cari·ous [vɪˈkɛərɪəs]

Self Study 
  • Reading 1 pp18-19 ex 5-8 
  • Reading 2 p. 20 ex 9-10
  • Listening 2 p. 21 ex 19-20

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