lunedì 31 marzo 2014


Introduction to New Unit: Company law
  • Reading 1 pp 50-51 ex 1-3
Partnership vs company
Limited partnership with shares= società in accomandita per azioni
Limited Partnership = società in accomandita semplice
General Partnerhip = Società in nome collettivo
Limited Share Company = Società per azioni
Limited Liability Company = Società a responsabilità limitata.
Setting up a company in the UK - how easy/difficult is it?

Company act 2006 è una completa codificazione della legge sulle società in Inghilterra e Galles 
  • Reading_3: Breach of Companies Act 2006 pp54-55 ex 12-15
  • Key terms_2: Public relations page 56 ex 20
  • Text analysis: Reading a statute page 57 ex 21-23
Listening 1 + Listening 2 suggested only
Language Focus pag 59 ex 1-3

EXTRA: If you like to investigate more the area of company law
Review of Italian and UKCompany Law.  A joint study by. Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili.

giovedì 20 marzo 2014

Lesson 7/8


Vocabulary revision : Criminal Law

Reading 1 pp 39-40 ex 3-5

1.      armed robbery
a  killing somebody through an act or omission
2.        arson
b  deceiving somebody out of money or property
3.      assault
c  creating a false document
4.      battery
d  using a weapon to take money or property by force or direct threat of violence
5.      bribery
e  violence or abuse against a member of the offender's own household (e.g. wife/husband and children)
6.      burglary
f  intentionally burning a building
7.      domestic violence
g  buying and selling illegal narcotics
8.      drug trafficking
h  operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
9.      drunk driving
i  entering a building with intent to commit a crime
10.  embezzlement
j  striking a person with intent to harm
11.  extortion 
k  attempting to physically attack a person.
12.  forgery
l  giving money etc. to influence a public official
13.  fraud
m  stealing from an employer
14.  homicide 
n  obtaining money or property through indirect threats or intimidation 

From the Guardian: Berlusconi first criminal conviction 

Grammar: Passive constructions

Key terms_1: punishments

Reading 2: White-collar crime: insider dealing and market abuse pp 43-44 ex ex 19-21

Key terms_2: identity theft

  • Listening activities sugggested only
  • Language use_3: giving advice and expressing obligations page 47 ex 31-32
  • Language focus page 49 ex 1-3

mercoledì 12 marzo 2014

Lesson 6

Check sts' homework

Frivoulous lawsuit: Audio 3.1

Focus on language:
to find for
to find against
to affirm
to  reverse
to appeal
loss or harm suffered
deter s.o. from doing sth
types of loss: damage to property, loss of earnings capacity, pain and suffering, reasonable medical expenses.
the proximate cause
wilful harm
to settle out of court

Word formation
Noun                       Adjectives


Noun                          Verbs


Criminal Law - Introduction
Vocabulary pag 39 ex 1 (tradurre in italiano e pubblicare sul blog )
The Central Criminal Court in the Uk "The old Bailey"

Reading 1 pp 39-40 ex 2-6

Some fresh articles from the Guardian to reinforce your knowledge of criminal law vocabular
a) Domestic violence campaigners call for tougher laws as abusers escape justice

b) Mother who killed her three children found dead in secure hospital

Key language: to pervert the course of justice (ostacolare il corso della giustizia) 

lunedì 10 marzo 2014

Lesson 5

Terminology: Explain these terms in your own words. Use expressions such as: this is the word for../This is the person who …/This is what you do when ..
  • damages vs damage
  • assignor vs assignee
  • the non-braching party vs the breaching party
  • spcific performance
  • restitution
  • the injured party 
  • remedy

Damages: risarcimento danni, indennizzo, risarcimento

Different types of damages:
  • substantial damages
  • punitive (or exemplary) damages
  • liquidated damages
Consolidate your "legal English" through news articles Look up on the Guadian or the BBC news  to find news articles dealing with:
- Punitive damages / Exemplary damages 
- Nominal damages 
- Substantial damages 

Nel vs articolo estrapolate parole chiavi legate all'area giuridica e pubblicate il lavoro
Enjoy it!
Take this article as an example "nominal damages of £1 each" What could we learn from reading it?

mercoledì 5 marzo 2014

Lesson 4

Contract law: homework revision and consolidation

  • Collocations: pp 19-20 ex 5-8
  • p. 20 Reading 2
  • p. 21 Contract Law Lecture
  • p. 22 Reading 3 Contract caluse
  • p.24 Modal Verbs ex 28
  • p. 25 Email of advice
Listening (reading tapescript pag 23 Conditions and warranties ex 25
Extra exercises (modal verbs)Letter pag 26 ex 32 Publish your letter!
Language focus pag 27 ex 1-4

From Tort Law
•civil wrong
•contractual relations
•injured party
•fraudulent misrepresentation
•medical expenses
•monetary damages

Tort Law  Reading 1_ pp28-29 ex 1-5

Some legal vocabulary

Person in courts ( plaintiff/claimant vs defendant)
Documents in court (affidavit, answer, brief, complaint, injunction, motion, notice, pleading, writ)
Claimant/plaintiff/applicant/petitioner (attore/ricorrente , richiedente, pretendente)
vs defendant (convenuto/imputato)
Pleading (difesa, patrocinio , note scritte, nel processo civile le parti si scambiano nella fase del pre-trial. I pleadings si limitano ad esporre i fatti della causa)
Writs = ordine scritto / writ of summons= mandato di comparizione, atto introduttivo del giudizio per eccellenza.
Affidavit = atto o documento giurato
Brief= documento scritto/sommario, contiene gli atti della causa (writ of summons, pleading, statement of defence, reply). Copia del brief viene data al giudice. Negli S.U. indica una memoria scritta.

warranty (garanzia in genere, garanzia per difetti di conformità legale. Dichiarazione secondo la quale il venditore dichiara quell’oggetto è conforme (in compliance with)  a quanto descritto)
& guarant(ee)/y = a formal assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled (Garanzia del buon funzionamento – garanzia commerciale, se il prodotto non funziona si sostituisce)

lunedì 3 marzo 2014

Lesson 3

Check students' work
- Reading page 13 ex 16, 17; page 17 ex 1-3 

Introduction to Contract LawKey language

consideration (nella common law si tratta di un interesse, un vantaggio, un beneficio ricevuto da una parte; ovvero un sacrificio, una perdita concessa, subita o sopportata dall'altra parte.)
From "English for Law"  Cornerlsen: Contract Law Consideration
counter offer
essential terms
assignor vs assignee
specific performance
breaching party
injured party
- An offer
Accept, make, reject, withdraw, increase, submit, receive, consider
- A contract
Breach/form/negotiate/perform/draw up/draft/sign a contract
- DamagesAccept/award/claim/win/receive/seek/pay damages
- A lawsuit
File/bring (fare causa)/launch (avviare)/persue/win/lose

What actions do they carry out
A party
Breaches a contract/performs a contract
The parties
Negotiate an offer/negotiate a contract/form a contract
The court
Enforces a contract/awards damages
A lawyer
Files a lawsuit/negotiates an offer/negotiates a contract/accepts an offer

Focus on: enforce/enforceable (esecutivo)
To enforce: verbo transitivo
1. (impose) imporre [rule, silence, discipline];
fare rispettare, applicare [law, court order];
fare valere [legal rights];
esigere [payment];
fare rispettare [contract]
Enforceable (esempio) 

2. For that reason, the parties consent that such covenants shall be enforceable in a court of equity by temporary or permanent injunction, restraining order or a decree of specific performance. The remedies provided above shall be cumulative and not exclusive and are in addition to any other remedies, which either party may have under this Agreement or applicable law.

Per tale motivo, le parti acconsentono/convengono che tali clausole debbano essere fatte valere in una corte di equità con ingiunzione (esecutiva) permanente o temporanea, ordine restrittivo o atto specifico. Le azioni (giudiziarie) elencate sopra devono essere cumulative e non esclusive e si intendono in aggiunta alle azioni che una delle due parti può esperire in base al presente accordo(ovvero) applicabili per legge.

• Reading 2 p. 20 ex 9-10
Listening 2 p. 21 ex 19-20
• Reading 3 p. 22 ex 22-24
• Modal verbs 

- visita il sito oppure
1. scegli un tipo di contratto - definisci in inglese o italiano quando si crea quel tipo di contratto
2. individua 10 parole o espressioni chiavi tipiche di quel tipo di contratto