giovedì 3 dicembre 2009

Lesson 17

  • 02.12.09

    text analysis audio transcrip 9.1 pag 136

    Collocations - phrasal verbs - idiomatic expressions

    - to have a considerable impact on (sth)
    - to have a considerable impact in (place)
    - to be seen in the context of
    - a growing concern
    - to rely on
    - to accuse someove of sth
    - to go up to
    - to call in
    - to have right to ..
    - the right of someone to ....
    - to take actions against ..
    - social dumping
    - wage dumping
    - collective bargaining
    - fair working conditions
    - regardless of ...

    Supporting material to the Laval case

    Posting Directive

    European implications of the Laval case judgment

    Reading 4 - pp101-102 ex 21-22

    How to read a decision

    USC s.271(f)(1) = United States Code, Section 271, Paragraph F, part 1

    Certiorari = is the name for a writ (mandato) allowing a case to be heard by a higher court

    Supporting material to the Microsof v. AT&T case

    Da Punto Informatico: USA, brevetti software alla Corte Suprema

    From Betanews: Microsoft Wins in Supreme Court; AT&T Ruling Overturned


Reading 1 pp 106-107 ex 1-3

2 commenti:

Daniele Lo Cascio ha detto...

closely related: strettamente legato / in relazione
developed: sviluppato
both: entrambi
sources: fonte
to lead in: introdurre
wide range: ampio raggio
finding internationally agreed approaches to issue: accordi relativamente a materie
such as: come un/ una....
enforcement of judgments: vincolatività dei giudizi

Anonimo ha detto...

Collective-bargaining= contrattazione collettiva ( dei sindacati)

Collective wage agreement =contratti collettivi del lavoro

No minimum pay levels= no a livelli minimi dei salari

Restricted the right = restrizione dei diritti

EU Posting Directive = pubblicazione Direttive dell’Unione Europea

Working conditions =condizioni di lavoro

Public interest of protecting workers = interesse pubblico alla protezione dei lavoratori

MARCO LA GROTTA/ Laurea Magistrale