lunedì 30 marzo 2020

Lesson_5 2020

Revision Key terms

  • trial /trail/
  • lawsuit
  • out of court settlement
  • claimant/plaintiff
  • defendant
  • find for vs find against
  • affirm vs reverse a judgement
  • proximate cause
  • wilful harm
  • negligence 
  • negligent
  • intentional harm 
  • gross negligence

Reading 1 pp 39-40 ex 3-5 Match the definition with the crimes

1.      armed robbery
a  killing somebody through an act or omission
2.        arson
b  deceiving somebody out of money or property
3.      assault
c  creating a false document
4.      battery
d  using a weapon to take money or property by force or direct threat of violence
5.      bribery
e  violence or abuse against a member of the offender's own household (e.g. wife/husband and children)
6.      burglary
 intentionally burning a building
7.      domestic violence
 buying and selling illegal narcotics
8.      drug trafficking
h  operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
9.      drunk driving
i  entering a building with intent to commit a crime
10.  embezzlement
 striking a person with intent to harm
11.  extortion 
k  attempting to physically attack a person.
12.  forgery
l  giving money etc. to influence a public official
13.  fraud
m  stealing from an employer
14.  homicide 
n  obtaining money or property through indirect threats or intimidation 

Self study

Grammar: Passive constructions
Key terms_1: punishments
Reading 2 White-collar crime page 43-44 ex ex 19-21
Law in Practice
Language Use 3: giving advice
Language Focus

Listening 1 - 4 strongly suggested 

Word of the day

in·dict·ment [ɪnˈdaɪtməntnoun (Lawatto d'accusaimputazione, rinvio a giudizio nm   iscrizione nel registro degli indagati nf  messa in stato d'accusa nf

to bring an indictment against sb formulare un'accusa or imputazione contro qn
The business faced an indictment from several former coworkers regarding its unethical practices. (L'azienda è stata rinviata a giudizio per la segnalazione di diversi ex dipendenti riguardo a pratiche immorali.)
indictment n  figurative (accusation)       accusa nf   The complaints from the people were an indictment on the local police. ( Le lamentele della gente rappresentavano un'accusa contro la polizia locale.)

bill of indictment n   (law: document accusing of crime)        atto di accusa nm
under indictment adj         (law: formally charged)      in stato d'accusa loc agg
           (diritto, formale)     iscritto nel registro degli indagati 

venerdì 13 marzo 2020

Lesson_4 2020

Use of Shall in legal English

Generally speaking it has a mandatory function meaning a duty, an obligation. However, other legal  documents show  us that shall is actually used to perform a number of semantic functions .
Sometimes it could well be replaced by other modal verbs - must, should , may,  be to

It can imply obligation, but can also be used with a future meaning.
Eg: The defendant shall file an answer within thirty days.  (Obligation)
Eg: The lease shall terminate after 1 year.  (Future)

Below are some contract clauses expressed in everyday English. Can you write the formal version by using shall and or other modal verbs:

1. The buyer must nominate when the goods will be shipped.
............... / ............ / ........../ ............/……… date ………/……… .
2. The buyer must tell the seller when the vessel or vessels will probably be ready. The buyer must tell the seller more or less how much is going to be loaded onto the vessel. The buyer must do this at least two weeks before the goods are shipped .
………. /………. shall .........../ .......... /.......... /........../.......... two ........../.......... /.......... probable ………. /.......... vessel(s) ........../ ........../ ........../.......... quantity .......... / ........../ ………. .
3. As soon as the buyer has notified the seller when the vessel will probably be ready, the seller must nominate a port where the goods will be loaded .
Upon ........... / .............. / ………./ ………./ ………./ ……… , ......... seller ………./ ………./ ………. port ………./ ………./ ………./ ………./ ………. .
4. The deadline for shipping the goods is 22 May 2008.

………./………./………./………. later ………./………./………./………. .


Prepositions Complete the following sentences about contract law using the
prepositions in the box.

against            for       for       in         into      to        to         under

An individual or a business may enter .....into….. a contract.
2 Anyone who is not a party………. the contract Is considered a third party
and cannot be obligated to do anything required………….. the contract.
lf one of the parties breaches a contractual obligation, the non-breaching party
may file a lawsuit……………. the breaching party.
Furthermore, a party will not be required to perform its contractual obligations if
another party is ………….breach.
Damages are awarded………….. a party …………..any loss that the party
has suffered as a result of a breach of contract.
6 However, a party will ……………not always be able to recover all losses when suing

Word formation: Can you think of verbs, adjectives and/or nouns of these words below

1 terminate 2 summary 3discuss 4 instruct 5specify
6 ship 7 agree 8be 9 subsequent 10 certain
11 intend 12 confirm 13necessary 14 act 15 short

Let's look at this email of advice. Some words have been taken out. Can you think of the correct word, based on the previous exercise we did on word formation.

Subject: The termination of your contract with Drexler Inc.
Dear Mr McKendrick
Thank you for coming to see me on 30 May when we discussed the 1) ..…….of your contract with Drexler Inc. I am writing to 2) ………. our 3)………. and to confirm your 4) ……….. .
You told me that Drexler Inc. agreed to purchase a large quantity of goods (exact amount 5)……….) from your firm, Export Threads. Under clause 2a of the contract, Drexler were to give you two weeks' notice of the date of 6) ………. so that you could arrange a port for the loading of goods. You were unable to arrange this because Drexler failed to let you know by the 7) .......... date. You now wish to terminate the contract.
The legal issue here is whether or not Drexler's breach is enough to allow Export Threads to terminate the contract without 8) .......... liable for damages. If the contract term in question can be shown to be a condition, you will be able to terminate the contract without fear of damages being awarded against you. If the term is simply a warranty, you will be able to claim damages to cover any costs you have incurred as a result of this breach, but may not actually terminate the contract.
Recent case law suggests that if you do choose to terminate the contract, and if Drexler
9)………… decide to sue you, the courts would rule in your favour. Your contract involves a chain of sales, and in such cases, the need for 10)………… is very important. You were unable to arrange the loading of the goods as a direct consequence of Drexler's breach of clause 2a, and this term would be interpreted as a condition.
I will write a letter to Drexler Inc. outlining the above and notifying them of your 11) ........... to terminate the contract. I will request 12)………. from Drexler that they accept our interpretation both of the events and of the relevant law, and that your termination of the contract will not lead to any 13)………. legal 14)………. on their part. I will be in touch again 15)………. . Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

With kind regards
Charles Dawe

venerdì 6 marzo 2020

Lesson_3 2020

Lesson 3 

This lesson has been delivered via  our facebook group

Vocabulary from Contract law Unit 2 

  • consideration (nella common law si tratta di un interesse, un vantaggio, un beneficio ricevuto da una parte; ovvero un sacrificio, una perdita concessa, subita o sopportata dall'altra parte.)
  • counter offer
  • essential terms
  • assignor (who transfers sth - cedente)  vs assignee (who is entrusted with sth cessionario/assegnatario)
  • specific performance
  • breaching party vs non-breaching party/injured party 
  • binding contract vs non-binding 
  • restitution
  • damages (compensation for their loss)
  • remedy
  • legal relations
  • agreement
  • settled deal 

- An offer
Accept, make, reject, withdraw, increase, submit, receive, consider
- A contract
Breach/form/negotiate/perform/draw up/draft/sign a contract
- Damages
Accept/award/claim/win/receive/seek/pay damages
- A lawsuit
File/bring (fare causa)/launch (avviare)/persue/win/lose

What actions do they carry out
A party
Breaches a contract/performs a contract
The parties
Negotiate an offer/negotiate a contract/form a contract
The court
Enforces a contract/awards damages
A lawyer
Files a lawsuit/negotiates an offer/negotiates a contract/accepts an offer

Focus on: enforce/enforceable (esecutivo)
To enforce: verbo transitivo
1. (impose) imporre [rule, silence, discipline];
fare rispettare, applicare [law, court order];
fare valere [legal rights];
esigere [payment];
fare rispettare [contract]
Enforceable (esempio) 

2. For that reason, the parties consent that such covenants shall be enforceable in a court of equity by temporary or permanent injunction, restraining order or a decree of specific performance. The remedies provided above shall be cumulative and not exclusive and are in addition to any other remedies, which either party may have under this Agreement or applicable law.

Per tale motivo, le parti acconsentono/convengono che tali clausole debbano essere fatte valere in una corte di equità con ingiunzione (esecutiva) permanente o temporanea, ordine restrittivo o atto specifico. Le azioni (giudiziarie) elencate sopra devono essere cumulative e non esclusive e si intendono in aggiunta alle azioni che una delle due parti può esperire in base al presente accordo(ovvero) applicabili per legge.

Listening 2 : Contract Law lecture ex 2.4/2.5

Self Study 
  • Reading 3 p. 22 ex 22-24
  • Modal verbs 
  • Focus on language page 27