giovedì 31 marzo 2016


Revision from Self Study homework:

Setting up a company in the UK - how easy/difficult is it?
Company act 2006 è una completa codificazione della legge sulle società in Inghilterra e Galles 
  • Reading_3: Breach of Companies Act 2006 pp54-55 ex 12-15
  • Key terms_2: Public relations page 56 ex 20
  • Text analysis: Reading a statute page 57 ex 21-23
Listening 1 + Listening 2 suggested only
Language Focus pag 59 ex 1-3

EXTRA: If you like to investigate more the area of company law
Review of Italian and UKCompany Law.  A joint study by. Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili.

Extra exercises_company law  page 328 ex 2; page 330 ex 2; pp 333-334 ex 1,2;page 337 ex 1; pp 339-341 ex 1, 2 Toles foundation practice page 345 ex 1, 2

EXTRA: If you like to investigate more the area of company law
Review of Italian and UKCompany Law.  A joint study by. Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili.

lunedì 14 marzo 2016


Key terms_1: punishments

Reading 2: White-collar crime: insider dealing and market abuse pp 43-44 ex ex 19-21

Key terms_2: identity theft

Listening activities sugggested only
Language use_3: giving advice and expressing obligations page 47 ex 31-32
Language focus page 49 ex 1-3


Introduction to Company law
  • Reading 1 pp 50-51 ex 1-3
Limited partnership with shares= società in accomandita per azioni
Limited Partnership = società in accomandita semplice
General Partnerhip = Società in nome collettivo

Società di Capitali= Società di Capitali
Limited by Shares (plc + Ltd)
Public Company Limited by Shares (plc) = Società per azioni
Private Company Limited by Shares (Ltd) = Società a responsabilità limitata.
Setting up a company in the UK - how easy/difficult is it?

It's quite difficult to find a clear correspondence with the Italian companies especially with srl ones.
Le quote della nostra srl non sono definibili shares ma quota(s), il titolare di quote sarà definito quotaholder. In riferimento al capitale della società non potrò parlare di share capital ma di corporate capital.

The situation improves when it comes sot plc (or Ltd) : Il capitale sociale è definito share capital (oppure, con terminologia americana, capital stock), i soci azionisti sono shareholders (o, sempre nella versione U.S.,stockholders) e così i principali organi sociali, quali il consiglio di amministrazione – board of directors – e l’assemblea degli azionisti – shareholders’ meeting.

- board/panel of internal auditors/statutory auditors  = sort of Collegio Sindacale  
 managing director or C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer) = amministratore delegato
-  incorporation process: 
  • ’atto costitutivo – memorandum of association/articles of incorporation 
  • lo statuto – articles of association/bylaws 
  • iscrizione al registro delle imprese locale – registration

Last but not least.... 
procedure concorsuali – insolvency proceedings 
una tassa societaria - corporation tax

That means, when in Italian we refer to a private limited company o  private company limited by shares (Ltd.) we have to talk about:+
- shares quote sociali o di partecipazione
- shareholders soci 
- share capital - capitale sociale
mentre parlare di azioni, azionisti o capitale azionario riferendosi ad una Ltd. sarebbe un errore, per i motivi sopra esposti.

On the other hand, when we in Italian want to refer to a  public company (Plc.) we have to talk about:
shares azioni,
- shareholders azionisti e
- share capital - capitale azionario.

giovedì 10 marzo 2016


Criminal Law

Reading 1 pp 39-40 ex 3-5 Match the definition with the crimes

1.      armed robbery
a  killing somebody through an act or omission
2.        arson
b  deceiving somebody out of money or property
3.      assault
c  creating a false document
4.      battery
d  using a weapon to take money or property by force or direct threat of violence
5.      bribery
e  violence or abuse against a member of the offender's own household (e.g. wife/husband and children)
6.      burglary
 intentionally burning a building
7.      domestic violence
 buying and selling illegal narcotics
8.      drug trafficking
h  operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
9.      drunk driving
i  entering a building with intent to commit a crime
10.  embezzlement
 striking a person with intent to harm
11.  extortion 
k  attempting to physically attack a person.
12.  forgery
l  giving money etc. to influence a public official
13.  fraud
m  stealing from an employer
14.  homicide 
n  obtaining money or property through indirect threats or intimidation 

From the Guardian: South African woman guilty of abducting baby she raised for 17  years
From the BBC Pistorious sentence

Grammar: Passive constructions

Key terms_1: punishments

Self Study:
Listening 1 - 4 strongly suggested 
Reading 2 White-collar crime page 43-44 ex ex 19-21
Law in Practice
Language Use 3: giving advice
Language Focus

lunedì 7 marzo 2016


How to read  case notes: Reading 2 ex 10-11

Frivoulous lawsuit: Audio 3.1

Focus on language:
to find for
to find against
to affirm
to  reverse
to appeal
loss or harm suffered
deter s.o. from doing sth
types of loss: damage to property, loss of earnings capacity, pain and suffering, reasonable medical expenses.
the proximate cause
wilful harm
to settle out of court

Word formation
Noun                       Adjectives

Noun                                Verbs









Criminal Law - Introduction
Vocabulary pag 39 ex 1 (tradurre in italiano e pubblicare sul blog )
The Central Criminal Court in the Uk "The old Bailey"

Reading 1 pp 39-40 ex 2-6

giovedì 3 marzo 2016


Unit 3: Tort Law  Reading 1_ pp28-29 ex 1-5; 

From Tort Law
•civil wrong
•contractual relations
•injured party
•fraudulent misrepresentation
•medical expenses
•monetary damages

Terminology: Explain these terms in your own words. Use expressions such as: this is the word for../This is the person who …/This is what you do when ..
  • damages vs damage
  • assignor vs assignee
  • the non-braching party vs the breaching party
  • spcific performance
  • restitution
  • the injured party 
  • remedy

Damages: risarcimento danni, indennizzo, risarcimento

Different types of damages:
  • substantial damages
  • punitive (or exemplary) damages
  • liquidated damages

Self Study: Consolidate your "legal English" through news articles Look up on the Guardian or the BBC news  to find news articles dealing with:
- Punitive damages / Exemplary damages 
- Nominal damages 
- Substantial damages 

Nel vs articolo estrapolate parole chiavi legate all'area giuridica e pubblicate il lavoro
Enjoy it!
Take this article as an example "nominal damages of £1" What could we learn from reading it?