Revision Reading 4 (Unit 9)
How to read a decision of the Supreme Court
Law a writ issuing from a superior court calling up the
record of a proceeding in an inferior court for review. Also called writ of
Etymology: 15th
Century: from legal Latin: to be informed
- Microsoft CORP. v. AT&T CORP
- to file an infringement suit
- to charge Microsoft with liability for
- to be liable under s.271(f)
- to be entitled to
- damages for breaches of its patent
- to be liable for sth
- the court's hearing
- exception to the general rule
- the reasoning behind
- under what circumstances
How cases are referenced:
- in Common Law: by name "Dononghue vs Stevenson"
- in Civil Law: by number "Decision n. 2014-446 QPC du 20 Janvier 2015"
Unit 10 - Reading 1 Comparative Law pp 106-107 ex 1-3
List of legal systems
• Civil Law
• Common Law
• Religious Law (Muslim Law, Hindu Law, Jewish Law)
• Chinese Law
• Socialist Law
Some video lessons on the difference between common law and civil law
Reading 2 pp107-108 ex 4-6
Self Study
Reading 3 Asset protection pp 112-113 ex 25-28
Text analysis: Discourse markers for text cohesion pag 112 ex 28