martedì 30 giugno 2009

sabato 27 giugno 2009

Legal English from the news

US House supports emissions bill

The US House of Representatives has passed a climate change bill aimed at reducing the country's emissions.
The legislation will put curbs on pollution and apply market principles to attempts to tackle global warming.
It was passed by a narrow margin of 219 votes to 212. President Barack Obama said the vote represented "enormous progress".
But the bill still has to be passed by the US Senate before it can become law, and it faces another tough fight.
"Today the House of Representatives took historic action with the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act," Mr Obama said after the vote.
"It's a bold and necessary step that holds the promise of creating new industries and millions of new jobs, decreasing our dangerous dependence on foreign oil."
'Job-killing bill'
Correspondents say the bill was passed after a long and heated session.
Bill aims to cut emissions by 17% below the level in 2005 by 2020, then by 83% by 2050
Imposes national limits and requires polluters to acquire emissions permits
Permits are either free (85%) or bought at auction (15%)
Permits can be traded, allowing major polluters to offset surplus emissions
It seeks to cut emissions from 2005 levels by 17% by 2020, introduce a carbon trading system and and force a shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources.
Supporters say it will create a new "green" industry, boosting jobs and innovation, and reduce US dependence on foreign oil.
But opponents of the bill, both Republicans and Democrats, say it will lead to massive job losses in the US and impose greater taxes on every American.
Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner said energy costs would soar, and called the legislation "the biggest job-killing bill that has ever been on the floor of the House".
The battle now moves to the Senate, where correspondents say it will face a rough ride. It is not yet clear when the Senate might debate the bill.
The legislation has been widely supported by environmentalists but there are concerns that it will not go far enough towards addressing climate change.

mercoledì 24 giugno 2009

Borsa di studio

Borsa di studio di £ 275 sterline destinata agli studenti iscritti presso la II Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Taranto

Modulo per la domanda di selezione

Scade il 10.07.09

mercoledì 10 giugno 2009

Risultati Esami

Esame lingua inglese Appello del 04.06.09

Si comunica che la data per la verbalizzazione è il 25 giugno ore 10:30 anzichè il 20 come indicato nel file linkato a questo post.

martedì 9 giugno 2009

From Today's news

Un'altro articolo denso di espressioni e parole appartenenti al registro legale.

Shell settles Nigeria deaths case

The execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa sparked a global outcry
Royal Dutch Shell has agreed a $15.5m (£9.7m) out-of-court settlement in a case accusing it of complicity in human rights abuses in Nigeria.
It was brought by relatives of nine anti-oil campaigners, including author Ken Saro-Wiwa, who were hanged in 1995 by Nigeria's then military rulers.

The oil giant strongly denies any wrongdoing and says the payment is part of a "process of reconciliation".
The case, initiated 13 years ago, had been due for trial in the US next week.
It was brought under a 1789 federal law which allows US courts to hear human rights cases brought by foreign nationals over actions that take place abroad.
The case alleged that Shell was complicit in murder, torture and other abuses by Nigeria's former military government against campaigners in the oil-rich Niger Delta.
Ken Saro-Wiwa and the eight others were members of the Ogoni ethnic group from the Niger Delta. They had been campaigning for the rights of the local people and protesting at pollution caused by the oil industry.
They were executed after being convicted by a military tribunal over the 1994 murder of four local leaders.
The activists' deaths sparked a storm of international protest.
Ken Wiwa, 40, son of Ken Saro-Wiwa, said his father would have been happy with the result.


1958 Oil struck in Ogoniland

Fresh start for Nigerian oil activists?
He told the Associated Press that Shell's settlement represented a "victory for us".
Paul Hoffman, a lawyer for the Nigerian families, also expressed his satisfaction.
"We litigated with Shell for 13 years and, at the end of the day, the plaintiffs are going to be compensated for the human-rights violations they suffered," he said.
"Had we tried the case and won, the plaintiffs were still looking at years of appeals," he said.
Mr Hoffman said $5m would go into a trust to benefit the people of Ogoniland - the area Ken Saro-Wiwa was seeking to protect. The rest would go to the plaintiffs and to pay the costs of litigation.
Marco Simons, another lawyer for the plaintiffs, called the settlement a "very significant milestone."
Shell has not accepted any liability over the allegations against it.
Speaking after the settlement was announced, Shell official Malcolm Brinded said it "acknowledges that, even though Shell had no part in the violence that took place, the plaintiffs and others have suffered."
Weapons allegations
The lawsuit alleged that Shell officials helped to supply Nigerian police with weapons during the 1990s.
It claimed that Shell participated in security sweeps in parts of Ogoniland and hired government troops that shot at villagers who protested against a pipeline.
It was also alleged that Shell helped the government capture and hang Ken Saro-Wiwa and several of his colleagues.
"Shell has always maintained the allegations were false," said Mr Brinded.
"While we were prepared to go to court to clear our name, we believe the right way forward is to focus on the future for Ogoni people, which is important for peace and stability in the region."

venerdì 5 giugno 2009

From Today's news

Some legal vocabulary. Prova a tradurre le frasi riportate sotto.

Berlusconi probed over plane use

They allegedly showed Mr Berlusconi's favourite singer, Mariano Apicella, his assistant, and an unidentified woman getting off the prime minister's official plane in May last year.

Prosecutors were forced to open an investigation into Mr Berlusconi's use of public assets after a complaint was filed by a consumer association, Codacons.