giovedì 23 luglio 2009

Borsa di Studio

Risultati per la selezione al bando di partecipazione borsa di studio - corso di inglese in Inghilterra -


domenica 19 luglio 2009

Risultati esame

Risultati esame lingua inglese Appello del 16.07.09

mercoledì 15 luglio 2009

July 2009 issue of the English Language Gazette Digital

Un altro caso di riconoscimenti accademici illeciti. La crescente richiesta di programmi formativi all'estero, inclusi corsi per certificazioni spesso attrae scuole e organizzazioni a strumentalizzare titoli imponenti quali attestati Trinity o Cambridge, anche laddove questi riconoscimenti non sono stati attribuiti.
L'attenzione del consulente linguistico è quella di vigilare e informare...

Rogue Tefl provider sentenced
PAUL LOWE, owner of Windsor English schools in Windsor, UK, has been given a forty-week prison sentence, suspended for eighteen months, for fraud and offences under the Trade Descriptions Act for falsely claiming a teacher training course was validated by Trinity College London. The school’s general manager, Ashley Arnold, was sentenced for five offences under the Trade Descriptions Act. Both men had previously pleaded guilty.
The court heard how trainees had been sent brochures and web information stating that the course was validated by Trinity College, only to discover while they were actually on the course that validation had been withdrawn some months earlier.
In mitigation, Mr Lowe’s lawyer said his client suffered from depression and depersonalisation disorder and had endured a ‘hate campaign’ on the web. Mr Arnold’s lawyer pleaded that he had been acting on the orders of Mr Lowe and that he had shown remorse.
The prosecution was brought by Windsor trading standards service, with the support of Trinity College London. Sarah Kemp, Trinity’s chief executive, welcomed the verdict, saying it ‘protected the reputation of legitimate colleges that work hard to uphold Trinity’s exacting standards by sending a clear message out to rogue providers that misusing our name will not be tolerated’.

Il testo ci offre espressioni interessanti e collocazioni linguistiche a cui dovremmo prestare attenzione.
Si legge dell'importanza della competenza “collocazionale”

Infatti, la Competenza linguistica non riguarda solo conoscenza di parole e regole combinatorie generali (livello morfologico, sintattico, concettuale). . . ma anche memorizzazione delle preferenze che regolano come coppie/gruppi di parole si combinano. . . che sono almeno in parte arbitrarie

Anybody out there si offre per la traduzione del testo ????

lunedì 13 luglio 2009

Cambio data di appello

L'esame di lingua inglese previsto per il 15 luglio è rinviato al 16 luglio alle ore 9:30 e successiva verbalizzazione dalle ore 10:30 alle ore 12:30

Prof. MLombardi

sabato 11 luglio 2009

Proroga domanda borsa di studio

Ci è stata concessa una proroga fino al 15 luglio per la presentazione della domanda -per ottenere la borsa di studio ai fini della frequenza di un corso di inglese all'estero.

Nuovi requisiti di accesso per gli interessati
Possibilità di scegliere tra corso di inglese generale e corso di inglese legale

Dettagli e modulo della domanda


domenica 5 luglio 2009

From the News

Italy adopts law to curb migrants

Critics accuse the new National Guard of echoing Mussolini's Fascists
Italy's parliament has given final approval to a law criminalising illegal immigration and allowing citizens' patrols to help the police keep order.
The new measures have been strongly criticised by human rights groups and the Vatican.
Illegal immigration will be punishable by a hefty fine and those who knowingly house illegal migrants will face up to three years in prison.
The law also extends detention periods for illegal migrants to six months.
It was passed in the Senate (upper house) on Thursday, with 157 in favour and 124 against. The lower house passed it in May.
Citizens' patrols
The unarmed citizens' patrols are among the most controversial measures.
More from BBC World Service
A right-wing uniformed group called the Italian National Guard was set up last month, likened by some to Benito Mussolini's Fascists. It vowed to start patrolling the streets.
But Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said the group, which sports beige uniforms and black military-style hats, would not be allowed to mount street patrols.
Mr Maroni, a member of the anti-immigration Northern League, has steered the legislation through parliament.
The party is a key ally of Italy's right-wing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and made tougher measures against immigration a condition of its support for his re-election last year.
The new law makes illegal immigration punishable by a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 euros (£4,276 - £8,553).
It also requires parents registering a birth to present documents proving that they are legal residents.

Opposition senators held signs calling the government "the real clandestines"
Italy has just introduced a policy of returning boatloads of migrants to Libya before they can claim asylum.
The government says it faces an unmanageable flood of immigrants, many arriving on outlying islands which do not have the means to cope.
More than 36,000 migrants landed on the shores of Italy last year - an increase of about 75% on the year before.
Critics say the government is targeting especially immigrants and Roma (Gypsies).
The Vatican said the new law was "focusing on crime and leaving integration completely out of the picture".